Haematological Cancer

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Blood cancers, or hematologic cancers, affect the production and function of blood cells. Most of these cancers start in the bone marrow where blood is produced.

Blood cancer cells do not form Solid Tumors, but their out-of-control growth crowds out normal cells in the blood, bone marrow or plasma, preventing normal cells from developing and performing important functions.

Global incidence more than 1 million new blood cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed globally in 2020, accounting for approximately 6% of all new cancer cases. New blood cancer cases in 2020:

Different types of blood cancers have different risk factors. While risk factors for some cancers can be controlled or prevented, most identified risk factors for blood cancers cannot, like age, race or gender.

Survival rates for most hematologic malignancies have improved over time, likely due to the introduction of new and more effective treatments, which include:Drug Therapies, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Stem Cell Transplant, Immunotherapy and Gene Therapy.

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Journalist Colony, Road No.70,
Jubilee Hills,Hyderabad-500033,
Telangana, India

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