Solid Tumors

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There were an estimated 18 million cancer cases around the world in 2018, of these 9.5 million cases were in men and 8.5 million in women. With this growing global burden, prevention of cancer is one of the most significant public health challenges of the 21st century

Classification of localized Solid Tumors

Different kinds of Solid Tumors are named for the type of cells of which they are composed:

  • Sarcomas-- Cancers arising from connective or supporting tissues, such as bone or muscle.
  • Carcinomas -- Cancers arising from the body's glandular cells and epithelial cells, which line body tissues.
  • Lymphomas -- Cancers of the lymphoid organs such as the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus, which produce and store infection-fighting cells. These cells also occur in almost all tissues of the body, and lymphomas therefore may develop in a wide variety of organs.

The most commonly used treatment modalities for cancer include some combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy - Surgery plus Chemotherapy/ Surgery plus Radiation/ Chemotherapy plus Radiation. Other treatment includes - Hormonal therapy, Stem Cell transplantation, Anti-cancer-stem cell therapy, Monoclonal antibody and Application of Electric Field

Future investigation will focus on optimizing the concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy schedules used, integrating targeted agents into these established treatment schedules, addressing the problem of distant metastases, minimizing both acute and late toxicities, and identifying the most appropriate patient populations for this kind of aggressive treatment. Nevertheless, newer forms of treatment continue to emerge.

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Zareena Plaza, Plot no.A24,
Journalist Colony, Road No.70,
Jubilee Hills,Hyderabad-500033,
Telangana, India

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